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- Oktoberfest
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Please consider supporting the festival by placing an ad in the Festival Program Book.
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Email completed forms to Rosa Cannaverde at festival@stmatthewoca.org on or before August 30, 2024. Thank you!
The parish community of St. Matthew enjoys a diverse representation of ethnic backgrounds. As an outreach opportunity to share a variety of cultures with the surrounding community, the parish hosted its first Multi-Cultural Festival in October, 2008. Guests came to experience the free live entertainment, large variety of ethnic foods, crafts, vendors, and children's area. The festival has become a much-anticipated event for both parishioners and the surrounding community.
In more recent years, the Festival weekend began with a Friday Oktoberfest, featuring live polka music and traditional German food, beer, and desserts.
P.O. Box 2003
Columbia, MD 21045
Columbia, MD 21046
9Mar9:15 3rd Hour 9:30 Divine LiturgyWed
12Mar6:30pm Presanctified LiturgySat
15Mar9:30am Memorial Saturday Divine Liturgy
4:30pm Icon Workshop
5:00 Great Vespers